Weather in Northeast Ohio is unpredictable. We strive to do our best to keep things open, but on occasion we need to cancel activites and services and/or close the church office.
We will do our best to have decisions made and announced at least 4 hours in advance of any scheduled activities. We won't always be able to do that, but we'll try our best.
Factor #1: When schools closed, we will likely close. We will take into account the weather forecast alongside school closures. Bad weather in the morning may clear by afternoon or evening and we may still hold activities. However, genearally it works out that if the schools are closed we are too.
Factor #2: The condition of our parking lot and sidewalks. We would never want anyone to get hurt walking into the facility. If the sidewalks and parking lot cannot be satisfactorily treated we will close.
Factor #3: When a state of emergency is issued.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact the office via email or phone.