This is a list of level 2 courses that can be taken. The key will tell you who can attend each course. If you have any questions please contact Pastor Phil.
Level Two Courses:
Church History
“Church Around the World”
Historical Church Creeds
NT Gospels
NT General Epistles
OT Pentateuch
NT Paul’s Letters
NT Romans
NT 1 & 2 Corinthians
NT Prison Epistles
NT Letters the Galatians & Thessalonians
NT Letters to Church Leaders (Titus & Timothy)
Practical Theology
OT Psalms
NT Hebrews
NT Acts of the Apostles
NT Parables of the Savior
NT Miracles of the Savior
OT The Divided Kingdom (1 & 2 Kings & Chronicles)
“R” = Completion of Rooted First
“NT”= Completion of What is New Testament?
“OT” = Completion of What is Old Testament?
A = Adults Only
Y = Youth Eligible