You were created to be in relationship, not only with God, but with other people. The Christian life was designed by God and is best lived out in the context of meaningful community. We want to help you take your next step into that community by helping you get connected with others.
When we gather and grow in our faith together, we experience life as God intended -– in community. Spiritual transformation happens best when we join an authentic and caring group, centered on Scripture, where we can acknowledge our true brokenness and seek healing and transformation that can only come from God.
We want to celebrate and encourage Groups by gathering together on Wednesday evening, April 3rd at 6:30 pm. We'll have a meal together and discuss Group Life. This will also kick off our next round of Rooted. If you've been waiting to be part of a Rooted group, then you'll want to be there! Everyone who is participating in a Rooted or Lifegroup, or is wanting to become part of a Rooted or Lifegroup is invited! Use the Registration button below to let us know you're planning to attend, so that we can prepare enough food.
If you'd like to find out more about Group Life, you can talk to James or Scott, our coordinators, who will be in the lobby area on Sundays on March 17, 24 & 31 to answer your questions.